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Carmela App

Loyalty Program

Rewards & Offers

  • Member-exclusive
  • Skip the line & save time.
  • Farm beans on every purchase.
  • Redeem beans on your favorite items.



As a valuable member, get exclusive offers & be the first one to learn about new promos.


Earn beans on every in-app order and redeem them for free food and beverages”


Pre-order for a pickup or schedule a delivery from any location.

Rewards Loyalty

$1 Spent = 15 Beans Earned


  • 1000 Beans = FREE Small or Medium Sized Drink.
  • 2000 Beans = FREE Toast or Sandwich.
  • 3000 Beans = $20 OFF Your Purchase.


  • Sign Up Offer = FREE 12 oz Brewed Coffee.
  • Birthday Offer = FREE Muffin.
  • Refer a Friend = 1000 Beans.
  • Mobile Order = 15% OFF Your First Mobile Order.

Send a SMS with the word CARMELA to +1 (833) 302 2125 to be enrolled in our Loyalty Program.

At Carmela Coffee, we believe in the power of community and connection, and our loyalty program is designed to celebrate you, our valued guests. We know you have choices, and we want to make every visit to our locations across Florida a rewarding experience. Our loyalty program is not just about earning rewards; it’s about enhancing your connection with us and the delicious offerings we curate.

Benefits of Joining Our Loyalty Program

When you join our loyalty program, you unlock member-exclusive promotions that bring you closer to the Carmela experience. You’ll skip the line, allowing you to save time in your busy day. It’s as simple as walking in, grabbing your favorite coffee, and knowing it’s been prepared just for you. For every purchase you make, you’ll earn farm beans that accumulate quickly, offering even more value with each visit.

Our Offerings

These farm beans can be redeemed for a variety of items that cater to your taste buds. Indulge in our specialty coffees crafted from the finest beans, or treat yourself to our artisanal toasts that pair perfectly with your caffeine fix. With each sip and bite, we hope to deliver delightful flavors that brighten your day.

Our Socially Responsible Coffee

We also take pride in our socially responsible sourcing practices. Our coffee comes from Costa Rican farms dedicated to sustainable and ethical farming. When you choose Carmela Coffee, you’re not just treating yourself; you’re supporting a community of farmers and their families, ensuring a positive impact on the world.

A Source of Community

Moreover, our inviting atmosphere sets the stage for connection, whether you’re grabbing a quick coffee on the go or enjoying a leisurely afternoon in one of our cozy cafés. With ten locations across Florida, we’re committed to providing a consistent and delightful experience in every space.

Join Today

Join our loyalty program today — we can’t wait to reward you for your love of coffee! Explore new tastes, enjoy exclusive promotions, and celebrate the community we’ve built together at Carmela Coffee. Your next favorite moment awaits!

To enroll, send an SMS with the word CARMELA to +1 (833) 302 2125, or download our app today!

Download our new app

Earn beans with every purchase with our new loyalty program.

Order ahead with built-in mobile ordering.

new loyalty program,
earn beans.

mobile ordering, made easy.

Earn beans with every purchase with our new loyalty program.

Order ahead with built-in mobile ordering.